?= I don't understand this activity or I just missed it.
No = Hard limit. Will not do this activity under any circumstances.
0= Soft limit. Hate or actively dislike this activity but might try it under the right circumstances
1 - 3= you don't like to do this activity, but wouldn't object if it was asked of you
4 - 6= you usually like doing this activity, at least on an irregular occasional basis
7 - 9= you like doing this activity, and would like to experience it on a regular basis
10= The activity is a wild turn-on for you, and you would like it as often as possible
~ = You desire this activity to be a perpetual constant and can not imagine NOT doing this activity.
Done Rating System
This describes if you have actually participated in this activity.
Fantasized Rating System
This describes how often you fantasize about a particular activity. This is independent of whether or not you actually would do such a thing but rather how much is this activity on your mind.
Ball stretching
Use of devices that pull the testicles away from the body. Dominants require the use of this device. Submissive's are required to wear this device.
Bathroom use control
Control of when,where,how one may be allowed to relieve ones self. Dominants will be the one setting the requirements. Submissive's will be the one following the directives.
Sexual activity with animals. Submissive's are required to have sexual contact with the animal. Dominants require the submissive to have such activity.
Beating (Soft)
Beating that does not leave marks for more than a day or so. Submissive receive the beating. Dominants give the beating.
Beating (Hard)
Acts that leave bruises. Submissive receive the beating. Dominants give the beating.
Devices that prohibit vision. submissive's are required to wear the blind fold. Dominants require the submissive to wear the blindfold.
Blood Sport
Any act that involves breaking the skin and allows blood to flow
Dom is doing the biting and sub is receiving the bite
Breast - Chest Bondage
Using devices to bind or constrict the chest
Breath Play
This act controls breathing how much how deeply but not to the point of asphyxiation.
Burning the submissives flesh with hot steel like they do with cows. Usually with the Dominants mark.
Boot Worship
The act of making the boot into a fetish
Bondage (Light)
Bondage where some movement is restricted.
Bondage (Heavy)
Bondage where a great deal of movement is restricted.
Bondage Multi-day
Bondage whether light or heavy that is kept in place for at least a full day.
Bondage (under clothing)
Any form of bondage that is designed to be concealed under clothing such as a chastity belt.
Breast Whipping
Having the breasts or chest concentrated upon for striking.
Brown Showers (scat)
The submissive being defecated upon. Not necessarily by the Dominant.